STRIVE Michael

Our mission is to implement our National STRIVE Michael Hand-off Program for high-risk patients.  STRIVE is our health care model for improving medical hand-offs: Standing Together Regenerating Innovative & Vital Exchanges. 

STRIVE Michael Hand-off Framework

2014 LF Walk (639x800)
Karen and Michael McClelland

Inspired by Michael McClelland’s courageous fight, STRIVE Michael is funding the design of a National Hand-off Program for the health care industry for high-risk cancer patients.

STRIVE Inc. has collaborated with the Georgia LUNG Force Cabinet and Regenerate2Profits to lead this initiative with oncologists to develop the framework for this vital program.

STRIVE Michael Goals

  • to drive quality services for cancer patients;
  • to reduce costs by reducing ‘Never’ procedures;
  • to assist oncologists in reducing risks to their patients;
  • to reduce patient setbacks and bounce backs; and
  • to assist cancer patients in increasing their survival longevity.

Health Care Journey For Change

The goal of Michael’s testimony is to drive positive change for improving medical hand-offs.  Follow the health care journey of Michael and Karen to learn how they navigated the health care system, the side roads and landmines to stay on course, which now drives STRIVE’s commitment for change.  Karen, a Change Executive, invested years researching and developing a national hand-off framework called STRIVE Michael with the goal to obtain quality and affordable care for high-risk patients in their fight for life.